Why Bad Beliefs Don’t Die

To more fully understand and better appreciate why Mormons are inclined to reject facts in favour of fiction which has previously been established in their minds as eternal truth through ethereal means, I highly recommend reading Dr. Gregory W. Lester’s article which appeared in the November/December 2000 edition of Skeptical Enquirer Magazine. Dr. Lester advised me that he would have been happy for me to use the article but he no longer owns the copyright to it. This is the link: Why Bad Beliefs Don’t Die.

February 2010

During the last month I have had several further interesting discussions with people who are coming to terms with the truth surrounding Mormonism. It is still gratifying to have been of some small help to those who are searching for the truth. I was also somewhat astonished when I received an invitation from the ExMormon Foundation asking me to speak at their Conference in Salt Lake City in October of this year. I had not anticipated further travels from England to Salt Lake, since my resignation from the Church a few years ago. Who would have thought that I would return there in such a role as this? It is an honour to be asked and for anyone planning to attend, I look forward to seeing you there and I hope to present well and do justice to the request.