December 2015

Following the Church adding new rules to their handbook regarding children with same-sex parents, many members are devastated and cannot understand why the Church would penalise children for the (claimed) immoral position of their parents. Many conclude that it cuts across every Christian ideal and cannot be justified. “Suffer little children to come unto me – unless they have gay parents” – is often being penned. Many more members are resigning from the Church and some are suicidal, leading to support groups posting twenty-four hour help lines.

The changes were supposed to be quietly incorporated into the handbook but someone who felt members and the wider world should know, leaked the information which the Church has since confirmed. At first, the whole idea seemed like a hoax to many of the faithful who simply could not believe it.

Policies on Ordinances for Children of a Parent Living in a Same-Gender Relationship

The following additions to Handbook 1 have been approved by the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for immediate implementation.

A new section in Handbook 1, 16.13 will be added as follows: Children of a Parent Living in a Same-Gender Relationship

A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may not receive a name and a blessing.

A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may be baptized and confirmed, ordained, or recommended for missionary service only as follows:

A mission president or a stake president may request approval from the Office of the First Presidency to baptize and confirm, ordain, or recommend missionary service for a child of a parent who has lived or is living in a same-gender relationship when he is satisfied by personal interviews that both of the following requirements are met:

1. The child accepts and is committed to live the teachings and doctrine of the Church, and specifically disavows the practice of same-gender cohabitation and marriage.

2. The child is of legal age and does not live with a parent who has lived or currently lives in a same-gender cohabitation relationship or marriage.

So… disavow your parents and move out once you are eighteen, before you can even be baptised.

This is a good article explaining why members are Duty Bound to Reject It!

Details were leaked on 5th November 2015.

Remember, remember the fifth of November
When Mormonism lost the plot.
I see no reason why gay parents’ children
Should ever be forgot.
(But apparently Jesus does).
Jim Whitefield.